[115] In 2004, 10 of the original 12 co-authors (not including Wakefield) published a retraction of the article and stated the following: "We wish to make it clear that in this paper no causal link was established between MMR vaccine and autism as the data were insufficient. The CDC has compiled a list of vaccines and their ingredients that is readily accessible on their website. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czt004. Therefore, intensive community engagement and effective health communication are needed to disseminate accurate information and facilitate optimal vaccine uptake. PubMed ANG, NZ and SS agreed final inclusions and undertook data extraction. 1: PRISMA flow diagram for the identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion of studies; Table 1: Eligibility criteria table; Table 2: Operational definition; Table 3: Summary of systematic review factors influencing childhood immunisation uptake. For example, beliefs that vaccines were composed of anti-fertility drugs and therefore could destroy the eggs of females and cause damage to the reproductive system [70]. 2008:94124. ANG conceived the study with NZ, and SS advised on the methods. In Angola, higher immunisation uptake was seen in children who were 1 year of age or less compared with children that were above 1 year of age. BMC Public Health. We conducted a systematic review of articles on the factors influencing under-five childhood immunisation uptake in Africa. [90], Public Health Law Research, an independent US based organization, reported in 2009 that there is insufficient evidence to assess the effectiveness of requiring vaccinations as a condition for specified jobs as a means of reducing incidence of specific diseases among particularly vulnerable populations;[91] that there is sufficient evidence supporting the effectiveness of requiring vaccinations as a condition for attending child care facilities and schools;[92] and that there is strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of standing orders, which allow healthcare workers without prescription authority to administer vaccine as a public health intervention.[93]. BMC Public Health. With the high numbers of Victorians losing their lives to drug-related overdoses, the medically supervised injecting room (MSIR) is a safety-first, medical approach focused on harm reduction. [88], In countries with limited financial resources, limited vaccination coverage results in greater morbidity and mortality due to infectious disease. In Burkina Faso, mothers with a knowledge on preventive objectives of immunisation were more likely to have their children immunised compared with mothers with limited knowledge [31]. [124], According to a 2021 paper, vaccinations against haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis B, human papillomavirus, Japanese encephalitis, measles, neisseria meningitidis serogroup A, rotavirus, rubella, streptococcus pneumoniae, and yellow fever have prevented an estimated 50 million deaths from 2000 to 2019. [78]:244 Also in 1803 the Spanish Balmis Expedition launched the first transcontinental effort to vaccinate people against smallpox. Bangura J, Xiao S, Qiu D, Ouyang F, Chen L. Barriers to childhood immunization in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review. [47] This helps reduce the risk of potential infections or serious illness that could occur from contamination of a vaccine vial. https://doi.org/10.4314/njp.v40i2.1. The search strategy comprised a combination of medical subheading (MeSH) terms and keywords: childhood immunization uptake, factors, influencing or affecting, child or newborn or infant or baby, immunisation or vaccines or vaccination or pentavalent vaccine or Penta vaccine or Bacillus Calmette Guerin vaccine or BCG or Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis or DTP or Oral Polio vaccine or OPV or Measles vaccine or Yellow fever vaccine or Pneumococcal Conjugate vaccine or PCV or Hepatitis B vaccine or Hep B vaccine, uptake or adherence or compliance or coverage (Supplemental file 1). The National Immunization Surveys (NIS) are a group of phone surveys used to monitor vaccination coverage among children 19-35 months and teens 13-17 years. 2014;18. https://doi.org/10.11604/pamj.supp.2014.18.1.4149. This could probably be due to the circulation of false information via the use of either family or religious networks towards vaccines. Ghana statistical service Accra, Ghana. 1997;68(3):25967. BMC Public Health. Vaccination includes various ways of administering immunogens. [82]:128, In 2000, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization was established to strengthen routine vaccinations and introduce new and underused vaccines in countries with a per capita GDP of under US$1000. WebPassword requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations published a study in The Lancet in 2018 which estimated the costs of developing vaccines for diseases that could escalate into global humanitarian crises. An adjuvant is a type of ingredient that is used to help the body's immune system create a stronger immune response after receiving the vaccination. It does by providing a wholistic approach to prevention that: Improving access and consumption of a healthy diet, and increasing physical activity are key focus areas. A possible contributing factor was parents choosing not to vaccinate their children. The 2003 SARS outbreak in East Asia cost $54billion.[130]. As the educational status of fathers improves, the seeking behaviour of children may perhaps increase, which in turn may have positive impacts towards childhood immunisation uptake [48]. Lancet Infect Dis. [26], Most vaccines are given by injection as they are not absorbed reliably through the intestines. This differs from passive immunity (the transfer of antibodies, such as in breastfeeding), which has immediate effect. Semali I. These included study author, year and location; method; study design; sample size; results and factors. All searched articles were evaluated for eligibility in order to be included in the review. In this review, we grouped articles into three categories: high, moderate and low quality for their methodological qualities using the JBI critical appraisal tools; studies scoring >70% were considered as high quality, 6069% were moderate quality and<60% were low quality. Article ANG and NZ reported factors under two different categories namely: modifiable and non-modifiable factors. Likewise, awareness on immunisation and immunisation programs were also revealed in three studies with AOR= 1.92.8; 95% CI: 1.44, 2.49 [20, 25, 37]. In 1959, the WHO called for the eradication of smallpox worldwide, as smallpox was still endemic in 33 countries. Early attempts at confirmation were confounded by contamination with smallpox, but despite controversy within the medical profession and religious opposition to the use of animal material, by 1801 his report was translated into six languages and over 100,000 people were vaccinated. In stimulating the body's adaptive immunity, they help prevent sickness from an infectious disease. Improving childhood asthma management in Melbourne's inner west; Climate and weather, and public health Victorian coverage rates for Victoria; Yellow fever vaccination centres; Infectious diseases. Acta Trop. The modifiable factors include obstetric factors, maternal knowledge, maternal attitude, self-efficacy and maternal outcome expectation, whereas non-modifiable factors were sociodemographic factors of parent and child, logistic and administration factors. Pan Afr Med J. [37] Phase II trials expand the testing to include 50 to several hundred people. The search strategy was developed in Medline and adapted for the other databases in order to account for differences in indexing. Early success brought widespread acceptance, and mass vaccination campaigns have greatly reduced the incidence of many diseases in numerous geographic regions. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0185533. In respect to parental socio-demographic factors, three studies reported maternal age with AOR= 1.089.54; 95% CI: 1.08, 18.09; p<0.05 [23, 36, 38], nine studies reported maternal educational status which were all statistically significant with AOR= 3.557.50; 95% CI: 1.02, 10.60 [15, 18, 26, 55, 65,66,67, 69], three studies reported paternal education (AOR= 3.1; 95% CI: 1.3, 7.4) [16, 48, 59], three studies reported maternal occupation and mothers marital status respectively (AOR= 1.623.01; 95% CI: 1.0, 5.8) [16, 24, 58, 65]. Children residing in urban areas were more likely to be vaccinated compared to children living in rural communities. Routine vaccination coverage in northern Nigeria: results from 40 district-level cluster surveys, 2014-2015. To take action and improve healthy eating in the community, the Victorian Government has developed healthy eating, prevention and public health strategies, policies and programs. Other severe problems including long-term seizure, coma, brain damage have been reported, but are so rare that it is not possible to tell if they are from the vaccine or not. It focuses on prevention, but also includes actions to support Australians who are overweight or living with obesity, to live their healthiest lives. 2008;13(4):5508. The Victorian cancer plan 2020-2024 identifies priorities to prevent cancer, increase survival, improve the experience of the cancer treatment and care system, and achieve equitable outcomes for all Victorians with cancer. For instance, a person who is vaccinated for influenza not only protects themselves from the risk of influenza, but simultaneously also prevents themselves from infecting those around them. [83], To eliminate the risk of outbreaks of some diseases, at various times governments and other institutions have employed policies requiring vaccination for all people. Herd immunity protects those who may be immunocompromised and cannot get a vaccine because even a weakened version would harm them. This finding was also supported by two cross-sectional study designs [31, 59]. Babalola S. Determinants of the uptake of the full dose of diphtheriapertussistetanus vaccines (DPT3) in northern Nigeria: a multilevel analysis. 2008;8(1):381. PubMed The strengthening of childhood immunisation policies, strategies and further research examining the causal relationship on childhood immunisation in Africa are required. 2019;12(1):17. The majority of these studies were carried out mainly in West Africa (Nigeria) due to poor childhood immunisation uptake in the nation. Under vaccination of children among Maasai nomadic pastoralists in Kenya: is the issue geographic mobility, social demographics or missed opportunities? [96] In response, several vaccine makers stopped production, which the US government believed could be a threat to public health, so laws were passed to shield manufacturers from liabilities stemming from vaccine injury claims. Kiptoo E. Factors Influencing Low Immunization Coverage Among Children Between 1223 Months in East Pokot, Baringo Country, Kenya. The factors that are considered modifiable in this review are obstetric factors, maternal knowledge, maternal outcome expectation, maternal attitude, maternal self-efficacy and environmental factors. Studies have shown that the ratios of vaccination benefits to costs can differ substantiallyfrom 27:1 for diphtheria/pertussis, to 13.5:1 for measles, 4.76:1 for varicella, and 0.681.1: 1 for pneumococcal conjugate. Children from Muslim families had a lesser chance of been fully vaccinated compared with children from Catholic families [19]. In 2014, there were 24.1 million reported cases of pertussis, with the African region accounting for the highest proportion of 7.8 million (33%) cases [3]. Accessibility of vaccination sites was found to be a predictor for childhood immunisation uptake in Southern Ethiopia. To connect with a professional counsellor free call or text 1737 Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. 1992;111(3):45574. From a cross-sectional study conducted in Uganda using Uganda Demographic Health Survey data, childhood immunisation uptake was affected by religious affiliations. [63], Vaccines have led to major decreases in the prevalence of infectious diseases in the United States. The Victorian Public Healthcare Awards present an opportunity for Victoria to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements of our healthcare workers and public health services. In most African countries, particularly in the rural settings, challenges include the long distances needed to reach remote populations, a lack of adequately trained personnel to administer vaccines, non-existent or intermittent access to electricity to manage the cold chain, and frequent vaccine stock-outs at health facilities. Washington DC: Centre for Global Development; 2005. The majority of the literature cited in this review is observational in nature and therefore, this study is lacking evidence for causation. Ethiopian Public health Institute Addis Ababa. The findings of the study will benefit policy makers in making decisions and formulating appropriate guidelines and policies with regards to childhood immunisation uptake in Africa. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/immunization-coverage, World Health Organization, 2018. Umeh G, Nomhwange T, Shamang A, Zakari F, Musa A, Dogo P, et al. No external funding was received for this systematic review. Children belonging to mothers or caregivers who travelled a short distance to the health facility for immunisation were 18 times more likely to be fully vaccinated compared with children whose mothers or caregivers travelled further to a health facility for their childrens immunisations [26]. You can learn about data collected in the most recent NIS. Therefore, their involvement in immunisation activities will help increase immunisation acceptance and uptake since the community trust their views on various matters [64]. Lakew Y, Bekele A, Biadgilign S. Factors influencing full immunization coverage among 1223 months of age children in Ethiopia: evidence from the national demographic and health survey in 2011. These pathogens could possibly infect vaccinated people, due to the pathogen's ability to mutate when it is able to live in unvaccinated hosts. Through recollections and family experiences, this pediatrician shares why we need to speak boldly about the protection vaccines offer. AAP recommends COVID vaccines for kids age 6 months and older. They implemented a method of "nasal insufflation" administered by blowing powdered smallpox material, usually scabs, up the nostrils. In Nigeria, higher immunisation uptake was observed in children above 1year of age (84.4%) compared with children below 1year (63.6%) and this could be due to the fact that some mothers delay child immunisation until their children reach a certain age, due to negative beliefs that their children are too young to be immunised [56]. Many studies reported factors relating to maternal knowledge, for example, knowledge on child immunisation (AOR=3.3; 95% CI: 1.87, 7.43) [34, 67], knowledge on preventive objective of immunisation (p<0.05) [31], lack of knowledge on vaccines which accounted for 50% reason for non-compliance [57], knowledge on child vaccination schedule, which was reported in three studies with AOR2.94.3; 95% CI: 1.42, 8.0 [26, 35, 59]. Most vaccine failures are simply from individual variations in immune response. Likewise, four studies documented fear of vaccine side effects (AOR= 1.92; 95% CI: 1.01, 3.70) [23, 57, 60, 62], negative beliefs towards childhood immunisation uptake [46], good perception of immunisation (AOR= 2.60; 95% CI: 1.50, 4.51) [49] and confidence towards vaccine safety (p<0.05) [46]. California Privacy Statement, [115] The article was widely criticized for lack of scientific rigor and it was proven that Wakefield falsified data in the article. This may be due to experience gained over time on the importance of immunisation as well as the medical complications that have occurred in children due to lack of immunisation. [62] They estimate that 29% of deaths of children under five-years-old in 2013 were vaccine preventable. Mental health is an essential component of overall health. The department funds services that improve the health and wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers in Victoria. Negussie A, Kassahun W, Assegid S, Hagan A. The attitudes of mothers towards childhood immunisation uptake is influenced by their perception. The immunization was called vaccination because it was derived from a virus affecting cows (Latin: vacca 'cow'). Simultaneous administration of childhood vaccines: an important public health policy that is safe and efficacious. The African region has also made significant strides in increasing access to immunisation and driving down child deaths, with monumental achievements such as the recent eradication of indigenous wild polio, and several diseases, like maternal and neonatal tetanus, at the brink of elimination. The people in these trials participate voluntarily and are required to prove they understand the purpose of the study and the potential risks. The experiences and opportunities offered in early childhood lay the foundation for how children grow, learn, build relationships, and prepare for school. Our staff can't provide legal advice, interpret the law or conduct research. [81]:41 It was accepted at the time, that voluntary vaccination had not reduced smallpox mortality,[81]:43 but the Vaccination Act 1853 was so badly implemented that it had little impact on the number of children vaccinated in England and Wales. et al. Oku A, Oyo-Ita A, Glenton C, Fretheim A, Eteng G, Ames H, et al. We estimate it will take 2 minutes to complete. Pediatricians are an important first resource for parents and caregivers who are worried about their child's emotional and behavioral health or who want to promote healthy mental development. [96] The safety and side effects of multiple vaccines have been tested to uphold the viability of vaccines as a barrier against disease. Piraveenan et al. Abebe A, Mengistu T, Mekuria A. Other issues include political instability, poor maternal education, poverty and inadequate health insurance, religious factors, as well as emerging challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In Nigeria, cultural beliefs against immunisation are found to be destructive towards childhood immunisation uptake [56, 60]. BMC Public Health. This picture was taken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where efforts are ongoing to catch-up vaccination strategies. [28], The term "inoculation" is often used interchangeably with "vaccination." 2017;27. https://doi.org/10.11604/pamj.supp.2017.27.3.11930. Article Allegations of vaccine injuries in recent decades have appeared in litigation in the U.S. Terms and Conditions, The main reason for conducting this systematic review was to identify the factors that influence under-five childhood immunisation uptake among parents. Despite improved DPT vaccines coming onto the market in the 1990s DPT vaccines became the focus of anti-vaccination campaigns in wealthy nations. The United States subsidizes over half of all vaccines for children, which costs between $400 and $600 each. Awosan K, Ibrahim M, Yunusa E, Isah B, Raji M, Abubakar N. Knowledge, Attitude and Compliance with Full Immunization of Children Against Vaccine Preventable Diseases among Pregnant Mothers in Sokoto, Nigeria. The Canteens, healthy eating and other food services policy, guidance and resources for schools can be found on the Department of Education and Training website. BMC Public Health. Sanou A, Simboro S, Kouyat B, Dugas M, Graham J, Bibeau G. Assessment of factors associated with complete immunization coverage in children aged 1223 months: a cross-sectional study in Nouna district, Burkina Faso. BMC Pediatr. Although vaccinations usually induce long-term economic benefits, many governments struggle to pay the high short-term costs associated with labor and production. Nor Afiah Mohd Zulkefli. Mothers with a good perception on immunisation were three times more likely to have their children fully immunised compared with mothers with a poor perception on immunisation [49]. Mothers whose occupation was in the farming sector, were less likely to be totally dependent on their spouses in terms of financial support and were found to be almost twice as likely to complete the immunisation of their children, compared with mothers who were housewives. The main researcher first removed all duplicates and screened the titles using Microsoft Excel. WebHealthline: Free health advice and information, anytime 0800 611 116 Need to talk? A comprehensive report on the current epidemiological situation in EU/EEA Member States can be found in the ECDC Weekly Country Overview Report.Further epidemiological indicators and analysis of COVID-19 data can be found here. In other developing parts of the world, they are faced with the challenge of having a decreased availability of resources and vaccinations. Standards for child and adolescent immunization practices. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(03)00669-8. [124] Some governments choose to subsidize the costs of vaccines, due to some of the high ROI values attributed to vaccinations. The article has sparked a much greater anti-vaccination movement, particularly in the United States, and even though the article was shown to be fraudulent and was heavily retracted, one in four parents still believe that vaccines can cause autism. All Rights Reserved. In recent years, it has been argued that game theory can effectively be used to model vaccine uptake in societies. Many adults who have other health conditions are unable to be safely immunized, whereas others opt not to be immunized for the sake of private financial benefits. Children with fathers who had a secondary or higher educational level, were three times more likely to be fully vaccinated compared with children whose fathers had no formal education [16, 48, 59]. The problem of vaccine uptake and coverage in Africa is multifaceted and its magnitude may vary from country to country. The marital status of a mother may enhance her knowledge in the sense that those that are married may have more access to education compared to single mothers who may have other responsibilities and would instead tend to put their education aside in order to meet the needs of their children [24]. There is therefore an urgent need for African countries to develop strategies that effectively address the challenges limiting high vaccination uptake and coverage to achieve a reduction of VPDs, as well as prevent the re-emergence of once-scarce deadly diseases. Zulkefli N, Mohammad R, Juni M. Adherence among parents on under-five childhood immunization schedule: a review. Factors affecting access to information on routine immunization among mothers of under 5 children in Kaduna state Nigeria, 2015. Int J Vaccines & Vaccination. Determinants of routine immunization coverage in Bungudu, Zamfara state, northern Nigeria, may 2010. [120] Since the Wakefield study was released over 20 years ago, it may prove easier for newer generations to be properly educated on vaccinations. Kenya Demographic and Health Survey. [16][17][18], Vaccination and immunization have a similar meaning in everyday language. Increasing maternal health education and public awareness: Maternal education is closely associated with immunisation service uptake. Our study has acknowledged some limitations. Mothers who received at least one dose of the MTT vaccine were three times more likely to have their children fully immunised compared with mothers who did not receive any dose of the MTT vaccine [27, 36]. Kenya: Ministry of Health Nairobi; 2014. By integrating climate change (and its impact on health) into other key focus areas such as increasing healthy eating and active living, benefits can come to all focus areas. In a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in Ghana involving 280 mothers, it was found that divorced mothers were 3 times less likely to complete immunisation schedules of their children compared to mothers who were married [24]. [85], Beginning with early vaccination in the nineteenth century, these policies were resisted by a variety of groups, collectively called antivaccinationists, who object on scientific, ethical, political, medical safety, religious, and other grounds. Improving childhood asthma management in Melbourne's inner west; Climate and weather, and public health; Environmental health in the community; Environmental health in the home; Environmental health professionals; Face masks for environmental hazards; Human health risk assessments; Lead and human health; Per-
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